Accenture Beach Volley Fun Club is practicing every Wednesday 18-19.30 in Biitsi Salmisaari.

Each of the weekly shifts costs 60€ to the employees, and costs will be divided between the participants. Each individual player should send mobilepay after the games to Johanna 050 517 4884 to pay their share.

If you're Accenture employee, you're warmly welcome to join us.

In case you have any questions, please contact Johanna Pasanen via Teams.

Laji Beach volley
Kotipaikka Helsinki
Jäseniä 57 (Pelaajalista)

Tuun jos on alle 8 ilmonnutta

Johanna ilmoittautui in

Valmentamaan tulee miesten maajoukkuepelaaja Valtter Pennanen.

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